January 21, 2010

By way of an introduction...

Oh no.

Not one of these again.

Not another lame blog by some self-important, obnoxious amateur intent on boring everyone with what he's doing, where he's going, and what he thinks.

Well dye my hair pink and call me Perez, because that's what this is.

I've toyed around with the idea of writing a blog on my impending Egyptian excursion for a while now. At times, I disregarded the notion completely. The questions I kept on asking myself just seemed too discouraging. Do you really think you'll feel like writing while you're overseas? Think of all the other blogs you've started and haven't followed through with; why will this one be any different?

Well, I'm not making any guarantees. I'm not going to deny that there's a chance this could all go down in flames faster than Obamacare has. But unlike that horrendous monstrosity, creating a blog is free and probably won't bankrupt the country. Plus, at the moment I'm as bored as Danny Devito at a theme park (get it? he's short and can't go on the rides), so let's give it a shot.

Furthermore, I actually think this might be worth it. For starters, forcing myself to sit down and pump out a post will certainly help to improve my rapid-reaction writing abilities. Secondly (and hopefully not too presumptuously), I figure I'll be coming across some amazing sights and experiences over here that you people back in the States might be interested in hearing about. Not only will you get a little lesson about life in the Middle East, but writing about it will probably help me slow down and truly reflect on everything I'm taking in. And finally, updating this blog every now and then beats having my mom call the U.S. embassy, insisting I've been blown up after she hasn't heard from me for three days.

Anyway, I promise I'll make this lively and entertaining, as well as informative and enriching. I'll be mixing Arabic lessons with pop culture references, history reviews with night-life episodes, and travel plans with crazy first-hand encounters with the locals . All you have to do is sit back, relax, and join me for the ride.


  1. Hi Jay. I tried to post a comment earlier, but I guess I don't know how to do that. You must tell me. Let us know you've arrived safely. Love you lots. Dad

  2. You've arrived, but no update to the blog? What gives? I wonder how long they'll let you stay without your loan in place. Oh, that.

  3. So, is it nerdy to post comments, or what? Why am I the only one who has? Nice updates. Sounds very cool. Take care of yourself!

  4. No, the more comments the merrier! In fact, at the end of my trip, I will check to see who commented the most, and I will conclude that they also love me the most!
