January 31, 2010

First day of school...

So, I'm halfway through my first day of official classes at the American University in Cairo.

The classes themselves have been pretty typical for a first day. 15 minutes of introduction and course outline, and then we were free to leave. I've had my Arabic language class and my comparative politics of the Middle East so far, and both seem like they'll be fairly interesting and engaging courses. I've got colloquial Egyptian Arabic in 15 minutes, and I'll follow that up with an hour or two at the gym (which is amazing, by the way).

Enough about the classes. On to the student body. The kids that go to this school are filthy rich. The fashions and styles they wear here make kids at Notre Dame look like hillbillies. Kids from ND who went last year told us campus was like Beverly Hills, but I wasn't exactly expecting this. If I felt like a scrub at Notre Dame, imagine how out of place I look here amongst all the Lacoste and Gucci.

And yes, it is very weird going to a school were I am most assuredly a member of the minority ethnic group. I wasn't sure how the breakdown between Egyptians and internationals would play out, but I'd say that it's probably something like 95% Egyptian. I've been told that most of them are stuck up d-bags, but we'll see how the semester plays out.

Well, best be getting to class. After my workout, I'll probably catch the 5 o'clock bus back to Zamalek, and then go to 6 o'clock Mass at a Catholic church a few blocks from the dorm. I'll miss the first half of the Africa Cup of Nations championship between Egypt and Ghana, but oh well, I think it's safe to say I'm more of a Catholic than a soccer fan.


  1. 2 things. First of all take advantage of the pool that I saw from your pictures. Swimming is better for cardio than running, is easier on your joints, and is much more relaxing. Secondly I have one word for you, a word that is sacred in the Liedl family and will get you further in life than hard work and good looks combined. Mooch.

  2. response: pool is closed due to filter issues. ill give it a go when it opens up, but its running and bball for now. and ill pass on mooching...even though i was once the best at it the liedl family has ever seen.

  3. I don't think so, I could not bring lunch to school everyday and still get a full meal out of it.

  4. well there's a fine line betwee mooching and begging...and you crossed it

  5. I don't think so, I just would eat what everyone else would throw away.

    Edit: Before they threw it away of course.
