February 06, 2010

Party in the USA...

Last night, I attended a back-to-school "social event" in Maadi, a newer, uber-Western area about 20 minutes south of downtown Cairo. The festivities were hosted by a group of 5 West Point cadets who are at AUC for the year, and are living in a comfortable Maadi apartment, with Uncle Sam footing the bill, of course.

While the relative conservatism of Egyptian social life may cramp some American students' style, for the guys from the service academies (there's another guy from Annapolis), Cairo is the closest thing to heaven on earth. With comparatively no rules and no supervision, these guys go off. In fact, the guys last night did such an impressive job, that it was almost impossible to distinguish the events of the night from a typical American party. Everything that would be there back in the States was there in Maadi:  beats provided by Miley Cyrus, Flo-Rida, and the like, a beer-pong table, and a fridge full of American beverages (which, upon reflection, are infinitely better than the "European" variety produced locally in Egypt). And best of all, drinks were free. For that, I offer a hearty HOOAH to the West Point kids.

I left with the group I'd come with at about three, and after circumnavigating the angry neighbor the floor below who said he'd called the police, as well as the occasional splash of blood throuhout the stairwell (don't ask, 'cause I have no idea), we were in a cab on the way back to Zamalek. During the ride, I couldn't help but reflect on how surreal it was that I had just attended a 100% legitimately American party in the heart of the Arab world. While I definitely came to Egypt intent on gaining an authentic Arab experience, these little tastes of home, in moderation, are certainly permissable. Just don't expect me to start eating McDonald's.


  1. Just commenting to show I read it. FYI Wisconsin dominated Michigan today. We shot 73% from downtown in the first half.

  2. I'm with William. Go Bucky! By the way, congratuilations all around are in order for William for his acceptance to the Study abraod program in Japan next year. Way to go William!
