May 31, 2010

Memorial Day in Masr...

It's amazing how much more you appreciate your country and those who've fought for it when you're in a foreign country, especially one like Egypt (don't take it personally, Masr). Ironically, despite the fact that I feel more compelled than ever to pay my respects to those who've laid down their lives for their country, my opportunities to do so are limited. No memorial gatherings to attend, no cemeteries to honor with flowers, no battlefields to visit, and no commemorative TV programs to watch. Fortunately, I discovered episodes from the HBO miniseries The Pacific on YouTube, and watched them all before they were taken down for copyright infringement.

The sacrifices these men made nearly 70 years ago, as well as the ones our armed forces make today, get me every time. Simply put, I feel inadequate, and a small part of me hates myself for not doing ROTC. But we make decisions and we go from there. Who knows, maybe I'll get my chance to serve in the future.

Anyway,  I'm certainly not in some position of moral authority to demand it of anyone else, but please do something special to observe Memorial Day. Take if from me, America is an extraordinary nation and we are all extremely blessed to be citizens of it. The least we can do today is reflect upon the sacrifices of individuals who've laid down their lives in defense of a land that is truly a City upon a Hill.

1 comment:

  1. 'The Pacific' is an excellent and very accurate show, that's cool that you were able to watch some episodes.
