January 28, 2010

The stray cats of Cairo...

As you probably already know, cats played a significant role in ancient Egyptian society. Praised for their ability to get rid of pesky vermin, cats were so highly regarded that some even took to worshiping them.

Cats still play a role in life here in Egypt, but it's a bit different than the one they played a couple thousand years ago. Instead of being sacred, most cats in Cairo are strays- and they're everywhere. Walking around the streets of Zamalek, you'd be hard-pressed not to see a cat every few blocks.

Anyway, I've always been a bit of a cat person, so I've a undertaken a pet-project (no pun intended) of sorts. Namely, photographing the various stray cats of Cairo.

I've been at it for a couple of days, and I've been able to put together a decent album thus far, with some truly exceptional shots (in my humble opinion). Anyway, the album, "The Stray Cats of Cairo," is available by clicking here. I'll be making updates almost daily. Take a look, let me know which ones are your favorites (I personally love the one pictured here), and feel free to share your thoughts on my little artistic venture.


  1. My favorite cat pic is number four, he looks like a street tough

  2. the best one is obviously the tree one
